We have some really nice hiking trails that are quite close. This evening D'Artagnan(the 15 week old labradoodle) and I tried a hike we hadn't done before.
At the end of the road is the trail to Beaver Lake.

A relatively short loop trail of about 2.5 miles. The first 3/4 mile are a bit tough, but you then level out and circle around the lake. Remember this area is a rain forest and especially under the trees it can be very wet and slippery.

For that reason the trails are constructed with a lot of boardwalks and large flat rocks as well as coarse gray gravel they call "shot rock". The trails stay amazingly passable although the board walks can be slippery.
This evening It was not raining when we got to the trail head, but then it did.

The dog got soaked, but as long as I have my hat protecting my glasses I don't mind a bit of rain. The trail has varied terrain from bogs/ muskeg to ceder forests to hardwood areas. Spanish moss hangs from many trees.

I will say that this will be one of Lori's favorites ...when she gets back from camp next month.
Maybe you can take us when we get up there! It looks beautiful!
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