New School Year, New School

Well, today started a new school year for Charles and Meg. They are both now in high school and at a new school.... Sitka High School.
Yea, so Charles doesn't look was after all only 8:15 am... Meg is just cute.
Charles is doing debate and theatre production and Spanish. He is the vice president of his freshmen. Since he has already been here several months he knows just about all of his 90 classmates.
Meg is actually going to be a sophomore instead of a junior since she didn't get much out of school in Italy. She will be doing a bunch of non-academic stuff. Shakespeare, drama, vocal jazz, and choir. Eventhough she is brand new she has already met many of the kids at the school.
School starts at 8:40 am and they will have Church seminary class at 7:40 am with the other kids from Church.
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