More Dog Stuff

Lori had him on a walk a couple of days ago and let him off the leash. She said he jumped around like he hadn't ever ran free. He chased butterflys, jumped into every puddle he could find, ran after anything that looked interested, but came back when Lori called. He is a great hiking companion. If he gets ahead he will wait for you to catch up. He rarely pulls on the leash.
He is quite formitable when playing tug with one of his toys. The hardwood floor in the house are still playing havoc with him.

Lori has worked hard on teaching him social skills and it has paid off. He loves other dogs and all people.
He is alway eager to learn tricks. We have a dog that waves to us, gives a "high 5", and will go to his bed-pad. He is even getting better at going to bed.
He is getting so big!!
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