Other Places We've Lived-The Transitions Years-NC, TN, RI
After we made the decision for me to return to school and our plan developed it became necessary to leave California. Our plan included me attending North Carolina State to finish the prerequisites for optometry school in 2 years and then move to Memphis for the 4 years of Southern college of Optometry.
Our first place in North Carolina was in Durham.
1920 Bedford St. #21 Durham, North Carolina
from 1 July 1985 to 15 Feb 1986
This is where Duke is located. I attended NCSU 40 miles away in Raleigh, Lori worked at UNC Chapel Hill Hospital 15 miles away. It took a lot of gas and time. This was a townhouse. I was also working in Raleigh.
Lori got a job in Raleigh at Rex Hospital and we consolidated our travel to one city. We found a nice townhouse that was just a duplex. Large yards and good location.
815 Athens Dr. Raleigh, North Carolina
from 15 Feb 1986 to 6 Jun 1987
This is where we experienced one of the worst winter storms we've had...6 inches of pure sleet. This is also where Richard Edward James Hart was born 11 May 1987...the day after Mother's Day.
Once I finished my work at NCSU I still needed one class since I had already been accepted to the Southern College of Optometry...microbiology. I couldn't get it at NC State, Duke, UNC-Chapel Hill...so we packed up moved everything to storage in Memphis and went to California to stay with my parents while I took the class at Long Beach City College.
After getting back to Memphis we moved into a townhouse.
3665 Outland Rd. Memphis, Tennessee
from 21 Aug 1987 to 30 Nov 1987
This was a nice place, but it was too expensive and way far from school. We had not had a chance to investigate our housing in Memphis....no internet in those days.
Once we did get to check out other places we found a duplex in Northaven, just north of the Memphis city limits. New and nice, but in a classic white-trash/black neighborhood. We never had any problems and stayed 3 1/2 years at:
645 McWhirter Ave. Memphis, Tennessee
from 21 Nov 1987 to 28 May 1991

Since I could not practice right after graduation we decided to make an adventure of my studying. Lori got a job as the camp nurse at Camp Fuller in Wakefield, Rhode Island.
Camp Fuller(YMCA) P.O. Box 432 Wakefield, Rhode Island
from 14 Jun 1991 to 24 Aug 1991
While Lori was playing camp nurse and being a celebrity to every camper, Anneka got be a camper for the whole summer. I studied and kept a close eye on the 4 year old Richard and his little side-kick Meg while they wandered the camp grounds. We stayed in a cabin with power. That August Hurricane Bob went up the east coast and right through Rhode Island. The whole camp was evacuated to a roller skating rink in town where we spent 24 hours...20 without power.
During camp I made a trip to Utah to find housing. I wasn't successful that trip, but the real estate lady(Belva Hart) found use one where we lived for 6 years.... that's another post... stay tuned...same bat-station...
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