Orchestra Kids
Yes, we have no orchestra program in the Sitka schools. But, for the past 6 years there has been a community youth orchestra. Charles played in it last year and this year he and Meg participated. The practice on Saturday mornings (not too earl
y) and have one performance which was this past Saturday. They played one of my favorite pieces: the Smetana tone-poem The Moldau. This is a very nationalistic piece based on a Czech folk song. It stirred such national pride in the Czechs that Hitler banned it from being played after he invaded in 1939. When the Allies liberated Prague at the end of the war they broadcast
The Moldau everywhere they could and the people knew they had been freed from the Nazis. They also play another neat piece: The Hall of the Mountain King. Charles of course played bass while Meg was on violin. There are a few adults in the group, but most are students. They had 47 members this year.
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