After Midnight
Sitka has a tradition that on the eve of July 1 there is an event that is called "Only Fools Run at Midnight". It is a 5K run/1 mile walk in downtown Sitka. Since our family doesn't run, we walked the mile course. It starts at midnight.
There were probably 150-200 people involved. The runners doing 3.1 miles were faster than most walking 1 mile. D'Artagnan joined us even though it was way past his bedtime. He is now 15 months old, but still just a puppy in a BIG dog body. He was so excited to be around people and other dogs. This picture
is a sunset. The light area below the clouds is the daylight at midnight on 30 June. It would look like that again in another 3 hours or so. We had a blast. It has been so fun to know so many people in the community and see them at all the events.
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