24 April 2008

Springtime for....Sitka

We have had a full week now of clear skies and normal temps.  In fact, yesterday was 58 degrees.... Lori left last Thursday and was delayed 3 hours because of heavy snow here and in Juneau.  At about 2pm it cleared up and we haven't hardly seen a cloud since.  It will end Sat. p.m., but it has been absolutely gorgeous.  I have ridden my bike at least part way to work each day this week (I'm too out of shape to go too far).  The kids and I have cleaned out the flower beds for Lori and got the yard looking nice.  At least we will only have to put up with a week of this...when it ends...before heading back to Boston and the east coast.  The eagles have been out in force.  Sometimes you can see 50-100 of them in one place.  This one was about 20 feet away from me.  I walked right by the tree it was sitting in and he didn't even flinch.  Really cool.


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