In the mid-60's my folks bought 4 Tijuana Brass LPs(for you young'ins that is a 12 Long Play album). I use to listen to them on our old hi-fi and became intrigued with the trumpet.

Although my trumpet career was mediocure at best I still love to hear the TJB. Recently the LPs became available on CD...I have been checking via the internet for several years...and I just received 3 of them today. So...I am listening to some very fond memories of not only music, but of parents who exposed me to music early on and allowed my brothers and I to appreciate most types of music...I am not a disco/country/rap fan though.
Here 40 years later(whoa) this music still makes me feel good.

As a result of my intrigue I got to enter the orchestra at Prisk Elementary School in Long Beach, California to learn to play trumpet. This was under the direction of Joe Burger. I progressed pretty well and even was 2nd chair in the all-city orchestra in 6th grade. Then I got lazy and never improved much more. I did however continue to play in junior high school with Herbie Burger(Joe's older brother) at Stanford and then in the marching band at

Millikan High School under the direction of Roger Johnson. Now except for Christmas time I rarely play. My aunt Nonnie bought me a nice trumpet in 9th grade which I still have.
Music has played a big roll in my life. Playing in school and getting into choir and singing have given me opportunities to be in musicals, community choirs, and church choirs. I have the chance to sing Beethoven's 9th, Handel's Messiah, and Mozart's Requiem. My children are all into music and quite good.

Anneka and Meg have performed with me, Richard and Charles and Meg have taken me to some of their concerts, I taken Richard to one of our favorite groups concerts...Styx. In addition, I have had the chance to see all 4 of them perform in so many ways and with so many groups I've lost count. It is always a thrill to see the talent they have and what just an appreciation of music can lead to. Thanks Mom and Dad.
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