Stuck in Juneau
Here we are(Annika and I) stuck in Juneau at the airport at 1 am instead of being in our own beds snoozing soundly. Apparently our flight that was coming from Seattle to Juneau to continue to Sitka was diverted to Anchorage due to mechanical problems. They were to change planes in Anchorage and return to Juneau. This will delay us about 4 hours. We were supposed to leave Juneau at 10:30 pm and instead it will be about 2:15 am getting us home at 2:45 am instead of 11 pm. This is not a big airport and there is no real place to stretch out and snooze except for the floor. I have tried lying down and only got about an hours rest while Annika has been reading and sitting up trying to catch some Zs.

We actually got into Sikta at 2:30 am and got home by 3:10 am.
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