Meg's Concert
OK, it isn't referred to as a Christmas concert, but this isn't about PC. Meg sang in two groups on Monday last(11th). First with the vocal jazz group and then with the regular choir. She loves singing and is very good. While in Italy she took voice lessons. In addition to helping her singing the lessons... being in Italian... helped with the language as well. That was one thing that we really missed when Meg was gone... someone singing something all the time. She is always sing show tunes, operas,
whatever is in her head at the time. We always have music playing during dinner and there is a rule that there is no singing with the music. Now, who is the one that is much more likely to break that rule? Yeah, Meg. She just can't help it sometimes... or that is what she claims. One side benefit of her singing so much is that she is not in a bad mood and is smiling when doing so. I don't think it is possible to sing, hum, or whistle and feel bad.
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