Our Grand-Spud
Here is our official picture of the Little Spud. Anneka's ultrasound on May first. A photo of a photocopy isn't too good, but you get the idea. Things are going pretty well still for her. She was cute and sent the ultrasound picture with a card to Grandma Hart. Lori wasn't sure if she miss addressed my mom's card, until she opened it.
Meg and Charles: Thespians
Meg and Charles have been working hard the past couple of months on the Sitka High School play...
"Months on End". Most of the parts have been double or triple cast... Charles' is doubled. He shares the part of Tony with Francois a exchange student from France. Meg's part of Heidi is triple cast with two of her friends.. Barrett and Amy. Each gives the part a different personality. We have seen it 3 times...twice with Meg, twice with Charles and once with both in the same show.
Since the original posting we have seen this one more time... with Charles performing. We also got to see the other casts. They will perform one more time for the students on the last day of school (1 day before we go to Europe!!