25 September 2007

Stuck in K-Town

Travel in SE Alaska is always an iffy adventure. I am heading to Klawock for a clinic. The weather in Sitka was rainy and windy, but OK to leave. Klawock was supposed to be good to land. However, by the time we got to Klawock the weather had become worse. We circled for about a 1/2 hour before giving up and heading to Ketchikan(or as Meg and Charles refer to it as.. K-town). We have been sitting here for about 2 hours and there is no word on when we will get out and over to Klawock. This will mean either a short clinic... 2 days instead of 3, or adding a day and coming home Friday. I'll just have to wait and see...

18 September 2007

Rick Trip to California-Help Grandma

I went down to California early in September to help my mom out. My brothers and I have been trying to get down there to support her now that my dad has gotten so bad. David really helped in April by helping Mom recognize the need to get Dad in a place where he could be cared for properly. John was able to do a bunch of work for her in July. David then went in August and got Mom set up with place for Dad, helped her get her financial stuff in order. Mom also has a family from Church (a home teacher) who has cleaned, moved, organized so much that I didn't have any chores to do when I was there. However, I was able help with Dad when he went to a psych appointment and get an I.D. at the DMV. We had to take him out of the nursing home. The first appointment was fine, but when we got to the DMV he was "over it" and his cooperation disappeared. I did get to visit him several times at the nursing home. It was very hard to see the man who helped raise me looking fine, but having no clue as to who I am or where he is or even most of the time who Mom is. He seems to be doing well in the "home".

Mom is trying to get use to living alone and she has really appreciated the visits. She is planning on selling the house and move to a retirement community called Leisure World. On the up side she will be able to travel and see us as well as David and John's families.

I guess my trip was just moral support. Mom and I ate out, watched the Angels go from 2 games up on Seattle to 8 as most of the games were on TV. I got to see my Aunt Susan and her husband Bill. Mom's neighbors are very nurturing and keep a great eye on her. It was a very eye-opening visit. My brothers and I are calling Mom several times a week to check on her. Any extra prayers you have she would appreciate.

07 September 2007

Added Picts of Housing

I just added a couple of pictures of 2 of our former residences in California. It is in the October 2006 "Annals of Time". Check it out.