Richard's Summer
Richard has returned to Logan to continue his education at Utah State University. He will be working at the campus library where he is getting a nice raise after working there last year.
Richard got to work at the the Sitka Raptor Rehabilitation Center where injured eagles and other birds are brought to get healthy for possible release back into the wild.
Some can't be and are permanent residents. Richard was an interrupter... leading groups through the center. His natural abilities of being an entertainer worked to his advantage. Yeah, he still had to deal with the public... mostly tourists, but he enjoyed not only the work, but the friends he made. We saw very little of him as he was having dinner or just hanging out with his friends when not at work. Richard is planning to return to Sitka next summer and work there again. It is a combination of showmanship and teaching... both of which are part of who Richard is. This eagle is one of the permanent birds at the center. Richard could tell me its name, so I may up date this entry later with that.
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