20 October 2007

Row, Row, Row Your Kayak

Well, we don't have a boat yet, but we have kayaks. One of the tour companies was selling off some older models and we got 3. Now we can take advantage of our closeness to the water.

"My" kayak is a "fishing" model. It is set up to be able to fish from. We'll see.

Lori has been out a couple of times as have I. Charles has gone once. Lori and I went out today. The water was very calm and glassy...no rain either.

The perspective of things is very different when
you are sitting right on the water. We finally have a nice picture of the back of our house from the cove. The first time I went out there was a seal(or small sea lion) just poking its head up and looking around.

It is nice exercise although the shoulders
and upper back pay a slight price(or maybe I'm just outof shape?). If we have any visitors they can kayak for free instead of paying someone.

What a great place to live!!


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