Harts in Alaska--and other places
Our move to Alaska confirms what most have thought of us all along...we're a bit odd. Well, our adventures here can now be told as well as adventures that played a role in getting us here. This won't be as exciting as Bilbo or Frodo's adventures, but I will try to keep anyone interested as to what we are up to.
For those wanting to contact us via snail mail: 100 Winchester Way, Sitka, AK 99835
24 November 2007
23 November 2007
Ansel Lori
Lori has discovered that having a great subject makes it easier to take pictures. Here are a few pictures that include the visit of great-grandma Hart. My mom is in Logan visiting my brother John and his famil for Thanksgiving. Since Idaho Falls is less than a 3 hour drive, John, Lexie, and Juliette took her up to see her first great-grandchild. In the last picture, Mike is really not sleeping..Anneka is playing her cello and he is just relishing in the sound.

22 November 2007
We have so much to be thankful for. We have been bless with abundance and chances to share it. Living here in Sitka is great. I have a great job, we have a nice place to live with wonderful scenery, and we have the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives. We also have family and good friends all over the world.
Anna is experiencing her first Thanksgiving. She has learned that this is the beginning of the "holidays" with the start of all the Christmas stuff. She is looking forward to a turkey(which is in the oven as I type). She isn't crazy about eggnog...oh well, more for the rest of us, but is looking forward to a nice 4 day weekend.
Our weather is rain free today and not cold so Anna and I went out in the kayaks for a while.

Anna gets to go to Seattle tomorrow and Saturday. Her boyfriend's(Sean) mom is taking her for a couple of days of shopping and pampering. It is really nice of her. Anna is really excited.
We are missing Lori, but we're glad that we have been blessed with the means to have her go down to Anneka's and that her job at Weber State is on-line so she can do it from anywhere... if she get the time.
Missing Mom
No Lori is not being looked for by law-enforcement....we are sad that she isn't here with us. Yes, she is doing wonderful work at Anneka's by helping with the baby and easing AJ's adjustment, but we would like her here. Anna and I probably won't get salmonella from the real turkey we have(Charles and Meg for sure won't get it from their vegan Tofurky loaf), but Lori could ensure that wouldn't happen. We really look forward to having her here "mothering" us again. We
love and miss you Sweethart!!
16 November 2007
Pictures of the GrandKid-Samantha
Lori took a bunch of pictures of little Samantha and posted them on a Kodak website. Lori is showing a good eye for cool pictures. Click on the link above to view.
Time for a Break
I have finally finished two weeks of work/travel. Not all at once though... Last week I was in Yakutat for 3 days... starting with a 6 am flight and a 4 hour layover. This week I just got back from Klawock. Generally we fly a local airline in an 8 seater plane. This is iffy with the variable weather in the fall and winter. In September we lost a whole day of clinic due to not being able to get the small plane landed. So for the fall and winter(and probably spring) we will utilize Alaska Air to Ketchikan and then the Inter-Island Ferry to Prince of Wales Island. The down side is that we have to be gone 2 extra days. Monday and Friday end up being strictly travel days withT-Th clinic days. The B&B were we stay is really nice and the owner is great. I get internet wifi and great room. However, it is always nice to get back home. I will get a little break before going back to Klawock in 3 weeks. The Yakutat trip is only 2 times a year and Klawock is 8 times.
12 November 2007
09 November 2007
Samanatha MOYA Smith

08 November 2007
07 November 2007
06 November 2007
Grand Daughter: Samantha Moya Smith
Welcome to our family Samantha. She was born tonight at 6:58 MDT in Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho to our eldest daughter Anneka and her great husband Mike. Anneka has been back at work since her week of bed rest and Lori was convinced that she wouldn't make her due date of 29 Nov. Especially since in the past week AJ has had lots of energy and has done a bunch of things around the house... Can you say: "nesting"?
This does put a bit of a twist in all the traveling that we have planned for the next month. Lori was scheduled to go down there on her due date and stay until 16 Dec(Beethoven's B-Day). Now she is leaving tomorrow and staying to the 29th...mostly because of the holiday it would have cost a fortune to come back before Thanksgiving. So, Lori and I leave tomorrow(I have a clinic in Yakutat) at 6am, then I go next week to Klawock and the kids will be orphans for a while.
Stay tuned for the further adventures of SMS!!!