A Bit of Rick-Type Trivia
Ever wonder how far we are from you? Or you from us? Here are a few tid-bits I looked up to feed my need for odd info:
Our move to Alaska confirms what most have thought of us all along...we're a bit odd. Well, our adventures here can now be told as well as adventures that played a role in getting us here. This won't be as exciting as Bilbo or Frodo's adventures, but I will try to keep anyone interested as to what we are up to.
For those wanting to contact us via snail mail: 100 Winchester Way, Sitka, AK 99835
Ever wonder how far we are from you? Or you from us? Here are a few tid-bits I looked up to feed my need for odd info:
In Mock-Trial the teams have a “case”. Piles of evidence and participant descriptions are included. Anna was on the “prosecution” team and presented the "opening statement". They learn the proper way to present opening/closing statements, how to question a witness, cross-examine, when to object, what not to say, etc. Some of the team plays the defendant or the other witnesses. Anna has had fun doing this and it has given her the chance to see how the American court system compares with the German. She also received 3 different nominations for “best lawyer” during the competition.
February has been unusually cold for Sitka.