My mom had cataract surgery 3 weeks ago. I got to go down and make sure she got there, got to her follow-ups, and took her drops. She did very well and even commented that it was pretty easy. No bruising; just a little lightheadedness due to the valium.

Her glasses now are not correct, but she is seeing much better. First night after surgery she asked me if I had changed the lights in the kitchen...they looked much brighter.
While there I got to eat at In-n-Out, Bob's Big Boy, good Mexican food. The first week I was there by myself and the second week Lori flew down and joined me.

I got to play golf twice.. once with my aunt's husband Bill and then with my cousin Josh. Lori did a dinner for my aunt's birthday.
It was fun to watch the Californians be cold with temps in the 60s. I was nice and warm.
Lori and spent some time at IKEA and got some stuff for the house up here.

One of the coolest things...besides spending some great time with my mom... was seeing the musical at the high school where both Lori and I went. They did Sound of Music. When I was a senior in 1976 we did the same show. I participated by having a couple of small parts. Via FaceBook I got reconnected with a friend whom I have known since kindergarten. Karen played Leisel...the eldest girl. The show was fun and it was really nice to see Karen again. Lori and I also got to have dinner with friends Melinda and Carl.

Mom will be able to do the other eye in the next few months if she wants. The only negative thing she has noticed is the wrinkles she claims weren't there last month. It was kind of funny.