School Picture Time

They are actually good pictures of the both of them. Charles doesn't feel he is very photogenic so he dislikes most pictures of himself. Meg enjoys posing and creating "her" look each time. Good looking kids.
Our move to Alaska confirms what most have thought of us all along...we're a bit odd. Well, our adventures here can now be told as well as adventures that played a role in getting us here. This won't be as exciting as Bilbo or Frodo's adventures, but I will try to keep anyone interested as to what we are up to.
For those wanting to contact us via snail mail: 100 Winchester Way, Sitka, AK 99835
Meg and Charles had another debate trip this weekend. It was just Friday and Saturday. They flew out early on Friday and Charles was back last night(Saturday) at 11pm. Meg didn't come back because she is now in Wrangell(southeast of here) as part of a regional choir she had auditioned for. She'll be home on Wed. night.
Well, Anneka now has an empty spot in her belly where her gall bladder use to be. Tuesday she had it out. No problems with the surgery, but the pain medicine she was given made her really sick. Lori realized that she is sensitive to that same thing and got the doctor to change it. Today she is really tired and sore, but not pukey. Lori is making sure she behaves and heals well.
Today was a unique state holiday. In Utah we got Pioneer Day off in July... Here we get Alaska Day in October... It also would have been Lori's Mom's 75th birthday. Not only did I get today off as a paid holiday, but the kids got out of school early... and it didn't rain much.
Anneka has had a couple of gall bladder attacks and has to have it removed. This will take place on Tues. 17 Oct. Lori is flying down Monday and will help with her recovery and make sure Anneka doesn't try and do things she isn't supposed to...Like any child of Lori's would do that.... Lori will at least get a nice dose of sunshine and warmer temperatures. From here we have to fly to Las Vegas which is about 2 hours from Anneka and Mike's in St. George.
Meg and Charles had a good time on their trip to Haines.
I is probably obvious, but these posts are getting longer the more recent the event...whoa...what a concept. Anyway, here we are in Utah.
After we made the decision for me to return to school and our plan developed it became necessary to leave California. Our plan included me attending North Carolina State to finish the prerequisites for optometry school in 2 years and then move to Memphis for the 4 years of Southern college of Optometry.
This might be a bit sketchy as many of these place we lived in 25 years ago. However, I'll at least get the locations and a couple of things about each. Pictures may be forthcoming...I'd have to find them and then get them don't hold your breath.
Meg and Charles are off on their first school trip to Haines Alaska. This is for Drama/Debate. It will be the first time either of them have been to another place in Alaska besides an airport.