Is it Meg or is it Momorex?

Our move to Alaska confirms what most have thought of us all along...we're a bit odd. Well, our adventures here can now be told as well as adventures that played a role in getting us here. This won't be as exciting as Bilbo or Frodo's adventures, but I will try to keep anyone interested as to what we are up to.
For those wanting to contact us via snail mail: 100 Winchester Way, Sitka, AK 99835
Anna(our exchange student form southern Germany) has now been part of our family for 2 months. We have been amazed at how well she has learned to understand humor...especially ours, considering how strange we are. School is going very well. The only classes she doesn't have an A in are a calculus class and Honors English.. and those are B+s. She is working hard in Debate and is doing well. Both Meg and Charles are helping and are impressed with her abilities.
Anneka is no longer on "bedrest" . Thanks to rest and some will used medications she received clearance from her doc to resume full activity. While still restricted last Saturday they lost power in their area for 16 hours....8 in the morning till midnight. No TV, No computer, No music. They survived though and AJ is really glad not to be on restriction any more!
Meg and Charles sang in the Sitka High Fall Concert tonight. This is Charles' first year singing and he is really enjoying it. He is in the Vocal Jazz group. His part is a baritone/bass. Meg is singing in the concert choir this year as her schedule would allow for both that and Vocal Jazz. Here are two short clips of the performance. This is my first attempt and they were done with our regular digital camera...I forgot we even had a video camera.
Last weekend Charles, Meg, and Anna worked overtime and were rarely not at Sitka High for the first debate meet of the season. Sitka was the host school for Haines, Skagway, Juneau, Mt. Edgecumbe, and Ketchikan. We hosted 2 boys from Ketchikan. I judged one round of Extemporaneous speaking on Friday and Lori did a round on both Friday and Saturday. Lori provided the our kids with food each day. It was a very exhausting couple of days, but they all did well.
Fall is the time when bears are feasting on salmon in the streams and getting ready to den for the winter. Here in Sitka I have only seen a bear way far away. Charles hadn't seen one and Anna REALLY wanted to see one as one of her AFS friends had just seen one.
Anneka and Mike experienced a bit of a scare yesterday. It seems my future granddaughter was so anxious to see me that she tried to get here early.... 8 weeks early. Well, as much as I want to see her it just isn't time yet. Anneka went to the doctor and her cervix was almost completely effased...shortened/thinned and ready for the dilation process. Well, they got some meds in Anneka and stopped the contractions and started preparing Samantha for a possible early arrival...get those lungs ready, etc. Lori was ready to fly out today, but Anneka is now home on partial bed-rest. So for now everything is OK.